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  A graphic charter, a logo, that is your company's identity. AD media can elaborate it - as a partnership - thanks to an analysis of your structure and of its environment, in order to answer your identification needs.
What AD Media can do for you :
- Find and register your trademark.
- Examine your main themes and objectives.
- Conceive projects that would make capital out of these themes though semi-elaborated tests.
- Suggest your communication tools and the graphic charter, that are absolutely necessary for your image.
Finding a trademark, creating logos - "Launch kit" = tools needed to initiate any activity : graphic charter + letter heading + representative cards + product lists + brochures. All graphic designs (paper and electronic) : leaflet, corporate brochure, promotion cards...
France Télécom R&D-Point S - Promo 2002--Régional Partner-Centre laser anti tabac-De Dietrich / Ets JEAN

QOSITEL / EDIXIA -Artum - Enquêtes et Sondages

Archimed - Centre de Forme
-Nextamp - Media Watermarking-

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AD Media 1996-2003
To Inform - To Prospect - To Improve - To Stimulate